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5 Steps to implement ActiveDirectory Authentication in T24 Transact Core Banking

In a T24 Core Banking system, you can manage access and permissions in the local database or use external systems such as LDAP or ActiveDirectory.

From a security perspective, using your existing identity and permission management system for your Core Banking system has several benefits, such as:

  1. You enforce existing password policies

  2. You avoid users having to remember one more password

  3. Your existing permission management team is in charge

  4. User onboarding becomes much easier

What authentication methods do we have in T24 Core Banking?

As mentioned, we have local authentication, suitable for initial deployments but should be replaced before the market launch.

The second option is basic authentication. During the authentication process, the T24 user must enter his username and password into an authentication dialog. If the authentication succeeds, all subsequent requests contain an authentication header. The disadvantage is that the user experience is not great, and automatic logout won't work.

The third option is form-based authentication. It integrates fluently into the T24 login dialog, cookies, and automatic logout support. Also, the user experience is much better.

HTTPS should be turned on when using basic or form-based authentication.

What are the 5 Steps to Implement Strong Authentication for T24 Core Banking?

Step 1: Sign On Name in T24 = Sign On Name in AD

Step 2: Pre-authenticated and Source Typ Session

Step 3: Add Negotiation, Auth Domain, Auth Filter, and Bind Parameter

Step 4: Delete App Server cache and temp files

Step 5: Deploy changes and test your AD-based authentication

We provide T24 ActiveDirectory integration services

To speed up your T24 Core Banking ActiveDirectory integration, we provide professional services to turn on strong authentication for your banking system. Our team has several years of experience in implementing string authentication for T24.

We are happy to improve the security of your core banking platform by enabling strong authentication. Contact us on this form to request our T24 ActiveDirectory integration services.

Keep up the great work! Happy Performance Engineering!

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